History & News

History & News2023-04-06T15:22:20-05:00

History of Craftsmanship in Italy

Frosolone, a small town located in the mountains of the hinterland of Molise, is a town of knives. In fact, the manufacture of steel represents the peculiarities of the town that has been made famous worldwide. Until the end of the 60's of the 20th century every alley of the old town had more than 1 workshop of knives and [...]

March 15, 2023|Categories: Italy|

The History of The Blade in Sardinia

In Sardinia, the discovery of Nuragic bronzes representing figures of warriors with daggers means that the construction of edged weapons has very ancient origins. The 1st edged weapons were made using animal bones and flint. Later the obsidian of Monte Arci was used, this material was commercialized and used throughout the Mediterranean since the Neolithic period. With the mining, the [...]

March 13, 2023|Categories: Italy, Knives, Sardinia|

Resolza (Traditional Sardinian Knife)

The resolza also known as resorza, resorja, or arresoja is a traditional Sardinian folding blade fighting and utility knife. In Sardegna this term is widely used to describe all foldable knives. Like the straight razor, the resolza's blade folds into the handle when not in use. Although the blade traces its origins to the Nuragic civilization, since it has always [...]

March 13, 2023|Categories: Knives, Sardinia|

The Sardinian Man

To understand the knife culture in Sardinia, you must first understand the people. You recognize a Sardinian, a Sardinian friend. Because when he decides to light a cigarette, he first offers it to you. And its nice of you to accept. A Sardinian has a circle of trust quite restricted, but very strong. For a Sardinian, if you are a [...]

March 13, 2023|Categories: Italy, Sardinia|


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